Looking Good on Your Zoom Meeting

Are you like us getting a bit fed up with looking up peoples noses on Zoom?  We’ve seen up the noses of some very high profile people to date!

ZoomWe thought we’d share a few tips to look your best on Zoom.

  1. Raise your computer up, just a pile of books will do, but make sure the camera is raised to about your hair line. This way you will look up at the screen which is always the more flattering angle.
  2. Sit facing the window or set up a lamp behind your computer screen. This way your face will be lit rather than you being a silhouette.
  3. Check the background, make sure you don’t have your washing hanging in the background or a pile of junk. A plain wall is probably your best bet, this will be the least distracting for your colleagues.  It’s probably worth setting up a designated place to take your Zoom calls.
  4. If you home is noisy then use headphones if you have them, thus avoiding distracting background noises.
  5. To ensure you have the best connection for your meeting don’t use the microwave during the call – microwaves are known to reduce Wifi signals.


Just following these simple steps will help your Zooming go smoothly & help you give the best impression to your colleagues & clients.

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