How to enhance your Facebook Business Page

facebook changesIf you created your Facebook business page over a year ago, the chances are you haven’t made the most of the options now available to you for enhancing your page so that it better reflects your business and is set up to be visible to your potential clients.

All the enhancements available can be found under the ‘Settings’ menu.  Here are some of the essentials that you should be taking advantage of:

‘Preferred Page Audience’

This gives you the opportunity to determine a number of factors that are going to ensure your page is seen by the right people. Add the location of your audience, especially important for local businesses, then add the age bracket, gender and interests.  All these factors will help you target the right people.


There is now the option to change the layout of your page. The templates available are business, shopping, venues, non-profit, politician, services and restaurants.  Each template allows your business to showcase the most important features of your page, moving them to the most visible areas.  For example if you offer a number of services you can add each one to the top of your page.

‘Tabs on Page’

The ‘tabs’ are the series of headings that appear down the left hand side of your page e.g. About, Services, Contact.  By going to the ‘Edit Page’ option in ‘Settings’ you can reorder the headings moving the most important to the top of the list.

‘Buttons on Page’

Depending on which template you choose you can add call to action buttons to the top of your business page.  There are default options or you can select others such as ‘Call Now’, ‘Contact Us’ or ‘Message’. Make the most of these, they are particularly great on mobile allowing potential clients to call you with one click of a button.

All these Facebook features particularly enhance your page on mobile and with more than half of Facebook’s 100 million monthly active users accessing it via their mobile phones, Facebook know the importance of being optimised for mobile devices.

On a final note always make sure you have completed every detail in your ‘About’ section.  Each element is important and will help potential clients find your page and obtain the information they want. Having all the sections complete is going to make your business look professional and give a good impression to your viewers.

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