Etiquette of Online Business Meetings

​In order to keep your business running successfully during lockdown, you will inevitably be holding or be invited to participate in online business meetings.  So, what is the etiquette of online business meetings?  Best to know what is expected of you from the start.


Meeting set up

  • Pick a time that is convenient for all – be aware of different timezones/home schooling responsibilities etc
  • Send a calendar invite and check that all have responded
  • Send a reminder before the meeting
  • Pick the best virtual conferencing software for your meeting
  • Get all participants to download and test the software before attending to iron out any hiccups


Agenda and meeting guidelines

It’s best to let everyone know what to expect at an online meeting before it happens.  You can do this by:

  • Setting the agenda and sending ahead of time
  • Sending ahead copies of documents and presentations that will be referred to during the meeting
  • If you are expecting updates from team members then make sure they know this and have prepared
  • Explaining that the mute button should be used if it isn’t your turn to speak


online business meetingsRunning and Attending a Virtual Meeting

Here are some tips for when the meeting happens:

  • As host ensure you open and be present at the meeting at least 5 minutes early
  • As attendee make sure you log in on time – if you are running late for whatever reason, do let the host know
  • Allow casual conversation and introductions before the meeting starts as it encourages camaraderie
  • Wait for all attendees to join before starting (unless you’ve been notified that they are running late)
  • The host should run through the agenda and check all attendees have the relevant documents to refer to during the meeting
  • The host should point out that there will be time after the meeting for questions
  • End the meeting on time and make sure that everyone knows their action points to follow up on


Other etiquette points

  • Make sure you are dressed appropriately – we’ve heard stories of people putting on a smart top but still wearing pyjama bottoms. Don’t do it, you will be caught out!
  • Pick a quiet place to have your meeting where you won’t be interrupted and be mindful of where the camera is pointing – is there anything distracting or embarrassing in the background
  • Make sure the sign in details you are using match your name – you don’t want to be called your daughter or husband’s name by mistake
  • Show that you are listening – look at the camera/screen. Also don’t get distracted by typing or using a mobile phone.  A notepad to make notes is fine though
  • Stay in your seat – it’s off-putting seeing a vacant space. If the meeting is going to be a long one though, do schedule in a bathroom/refreshment break


So now you are ready to go.  We’d love to hear your experiences of your virtual meetings.  What tips would you share? Let us know


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