This month, thanks to Kim Whittaker an excellent commercial lawyer, we have been introduced to Adobe Echosign. If you run a business which requires you to get any sort of contract or paperwork signed then you need to read on.
This is the world of web contracting and esignatures and it really could not be easier to use. To set up a basic account is free and you just need to upload the document, type in the recipient’s email address and it’s done!
The recipient receives the document in seconds and is invited to either sign with the mouse or just type their name to create a signature.
Echosign works with a variey of formats including PDF & Microsoft programmes and does not require any software or downloads.
The account holder receives updates on the documents status and once signed everybody, up to six signers per document, gets a copy instantly. Now as if that wasn’t good enough your documents & their histories are securely stored.
There is the facility to sign from most mobile web browsers including a Blackberry, iPhone and Windows mobile, so you can even sign on the go. You can even allow recipients to sign using Facebook, Linkedin or Google web accounts and their picture will be captured automatically along with their url.
Is it as legally binding as a physical signature I hear you cry, well I asked Kim Whittaker ( to confirm the legal crediability of using an esignature & she had this to say:
‘Electronic signatures are recognised as legally binding in most countries, including the UK provided that the parties have agreed to sign that way. Since the Electronic Communications Act 2000 was passed it is also clear that they are admissible as evidence in courts.’
So now all you need to do is log in and try it out, a basic account is free for 1 user and up to 5 contracts per month.
If you need any help then you can contact me on:
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