In this series of articles I want to draw people’s attention to the on-line tools available that really can make to a difference to the quality & quantity of your work, you simply need to spend a bit of time setting them up (or get red desk to do it for you).
Last time I covered BACK-UPS & FILE SHARING, this time I want to talk about NEWSLETTERS.
These days it’s integral to your business to invest sometime in on-line marketing & networking (even if it’s simply joining LINKEDIN). Newsletters can be a great way to build up a continual contact with your clients or prospective clients. You can use them to give out free & useful information, to update your clients on new price offers or to let your customers know of new products or services that they may not know you offer!
There are a whole host of websites that can help you to create Newsletters & email Campaigns. The three that I find the clearest to understand & the most effective are mailchimp, Graphicmail & ConstantContact
All three websites allow you to store your subscribers email addresses, the number of subscribers you can store depends on the level of the account you sign up to, Mailchimp offer a free account that allows up to 1000 subscribers & up to 6000 emails per month (however you do have the mailchimp logo at the bottom of the emails), Constant Contact & Graphic mail offer a minimum account of $15 per month, but both do offer a free trials.
Once you have your email addresses stored, you can design your Newsletter using the templates supplied, they are easy to use & give a really professional look. You can also link your newsletters to any of the most popular social networking sites (I will be covering social networking sites in my next article).
Finally the great asset of using these sites for your newsletters is the ability to monitor & evaluate the response. You can track opens, clicks, forwards, subscribe /unsubscribe & delivery allowing you to see how well your campaign is meeting your goals.
If you need any help with setting up your own email campaigns then give red desk call.
red desk can help you organise your workload & make more time for you!
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