social media motivationWas getting your business on social media a New Year’s Resolution?  How about part of your (recurring) business plan?  If you are lacking motivation or are easily distracted then this is the article for you.

We’ve put together some simple hints to get you started and a couple of fascinating facts bound to motivate.  Let’s get started!

Start Small

Thinking about being on every social media platform cannot be daunting but also off putting.  Set yourself small realistic goals.  What social media platform(s) are you familiar with? Aim to set yourself up with a profile on either Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn by the end of the week.

Social Media Profiles

Whatever platform you have started with, make sure you have a decent image on there.  One that shows you off in your best light and reflects your business.

Also take a look at your words.  What do they say about you? Would you follow you if you were a customer?  Review your profile every now and again and try to use keywords that relate to your business making it more likely that you may show up in Google searches.


Not sure what to post or when to post?  Look at what others in your industry are doing.  Are there certain trade publications that have good articles that can be shared online?  Take a look and then start experimenting.  The one good thing about social media is that there is no right or wrong way to go about things.  If you get a positive response then carry on with more of the same.  If you get no response or negative feedback, change your tactics.

Enjoy Yourself

Have fun with your social media.  Share an inspirational quote on LinkedIn or join in with trending hashtag banter on Twitter.  We think the best social media posts are posted by relaxed people but do bear in mind that you are representing your product or business.


If you feel as if you need an overview on a particular aspect of social media then Red Desk can help.  We are on hand to offer one hour training sessions to help you grasp Twitter or give you tips on the best content for Facebook.

Three Social Media Facts

  • The biggest growing demographic on Twitter is the 55 – 64 year olds
  • Food is the top category on Pinterest
  • There are 2 new members joining LinkedIn per second

More social media facts can be found here.

For more social media motivation and advice, take a look at our Pinterest board.

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