Digital Marketing on a Small Budget

Digital Marketing on a Small Budget

Digital Marketing on a Small Budget We love working with small businesses & start-ups but in their very nature they have limited funds for Digital Marketing. We have therefore become experts at making the most of the free tools out there, of which there are many....
Quick Tips for Using Twitter for an Event

Quick Tips for Using Twitter for an Event

We were recently asked to help with some last minute social media promotion for an event. We would normally recommend at least 3 months lead up however we only had a few days, but with everyone focused on the goal and the fact that the client was able to supply us...
Using Hashtags Successfully

Using Hashtags Successfully

Hashtags are becoming more and more part of our daily lives, they are an essential part of any social media campaign and if you haven’t yet attended a wedding with its own hashtag you undoubtedly will soon!  The hashtag was born on August 25, 2007 in a Twitter...
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