When to Change your Social Media Strategy

When to Change your Social Media Strategy

When to Change your Social Media Strategy At Red Desk we know that social media strategies are flexible and should be changed to reflect current trends and algorithms on the various social media platforms. In reality what does this mean? We give two examples of where...
How to manage your Twitter follower ratio

How to manage your Twitter follower ratio

As part of our social media management, we carry out housekeeping on our clients’ social media accounts. For Twitter you are perceived to be an account worth following if you have more followers than you are following. In order to have a healthy ratio of followers to...
Digital Marketing on a Small Budget

Digital Marketing on a Small Budget

Digital Marketing on a Small Budget We love working with small businesses & start-ups but in their very nature they have limited funds for Digital Marketing. We have therefore become experts at making the most of the free tools out there, of which there are many....
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