
Three Ways a Virtual Assistant Can Help a Charity

Three Ways a Virtual Assistant Can Help a Charity

We’ve recently started working with a new charity client. This has got us thinking about the services that we can offer charities and these are our top three ways a Virtual Assistant can help a charity:


Project Work

If your charity has been awarded a grant or funding for a specific project then you might need an extra pair of hands. The day-to-day running of the charity is taken care of by your regular staff but projects require extra resources and often a big push to get to the end goal in time. A Virtual Assistant is the perfect partner to bring in for charity projects.

Red Desk Virtual worked with the wonderful Penelope Tobin and her charity Barrier Breakers Foundation for 5 years. We were brought in to support the facilitation of the Soft Skills for Young People workshops from identifying opportunities to run workshops at Further Education colleges right through to the co-ordination of the facilitators and collation of feedback after the workshops. You can read more about this amazing opportunity here.


charityAd-hoc Tasks / Busy Times

Virtual Assistants are ideal for small businesses and charities as we can be brought in at busy times to cover ad-hoc tasks that other staff members are unable to cover. These could include:

  • Taking minutes for board meetings
  • Arranging for items to be printed, despatched and tracked
  • Helping with event co-ordination
  • Marketing or social media support


Ongoing Support

Did you know that using a Virtual Assistant as part of your charity resources is a great way to ensure that budgets aren’t blown? You will only be invoiced for the time the VA’s services are used. You could agree a monthly fee, buy blocks of hours up front or ask to be billed on a pay as you go basis. A good VA will check in with you and keep you updated with weekly timesheets.

As we supported our last charity client for over 5 years, our role developed and we took on various other tasks that included:

  • PA duties including diary management, booking appointments and keeping track of finances
  • Building and developing relationships with key stakeholders so that awareness was raised and aims delivered of the charity’s causes
  • Developed and documented processes and procedures so that workflow was maximised


You can read more about our Charity Administration services here.


 If you are interested in finding out about our special charity admin rate then please contact Mel by email

Tips on Writing a Press Release

Tips on Writing a Press Release

Our many years of local event organisation came in handy recently when we were asked to help out with some extra marketing for a new client. One thing about organising markets, festivals and Christmas lights switch-ons, is that you get to pitch in with all sorts of tasks, including writing and sending press releases. We have therefore created these tips on writing a press release.


Press releaseWhat to Include

Before you even get started, you need to get the format right and include a logo, company information and media contact information. If you are going to be creating future press releases then you may want to keep this document as a template.

You can now think about the creative and eye-catching elements of the press release. Make sure that your headline is attention-grabbing. Remember that you need to stand out from the crowd.

Include a quote or two. It makes it easier for the journalist to create the story if you already have provided them with a sound bite.

Be concise with your main points, including detailed information, statistics, facts and a timeline of events.

Remember to keep it to one side of A4, about 300 – 400 words.



Include one image just below the headline of your press release. Make sure it is high-resolution (300 dpi). Landscape is best. You can include more on the press release if you have space (2 – 3 is average). If you want to include a video then you can embed with the code from You Tube/Vimeo.


Press Release Templates

If you are stuck then never fear, there are plenty of press release templates out there. Be sure to pick the one that matches your reason for sending it (event, product launch, financial results etc). Jotform have 12 templates here.


Accompanying Email

Remember that you will have to send the press release to your media contacts. The accompanying email is therefore equally important. Make sure that the subject line reflects the contents of the press release. Introduce yourself and why you are contacting them. Then move onto some key points and how they can access the press release (via link/attachment. Include your contact information and anything else needed for follow-ups.


Red Desk is here to support your next marketing project. We offer a complete Digital Marketing service for small businesses and organisations helping them to promote themselves online. If you are interested, please get in touch:


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